JET drawing1 

by tekiela

Drawing on background image via OBS virtual cam. Painting is "L'interieur d'atelier" by Emilie Friant - 1882 -- thanks CHMOD!

Created: 9 months, 1 week ago Last modified: 1 month, 1 week ago

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Comments (2)

That's a beautiful painting. Didn't know it. Concerning the background image: For my cat I have dragged an image in the stage. You know about that possibility, do you? It actually misses a documentation for this. .. But we're working on it and on an update of the plattform in general.
Yes! using "Load a camera snapshop" and looping in the virtual camera from OBS. (since we don't have a proper stage as in Snap!) Drawing in one line is the limitation in this game.. so I didn't use the Jump! the image is by a great painter Emile Friant "L'interieur d'atelier" 1882